I can see the clouds now
DUO Show with Matias Romano Aleman, Galerie des Westens, Bremen
photos: JiyeLee
We know the shapes that swam the first
oceans more than 400 million years ago. We
know writing was derived from images and
The letter A is an upside-down
cow’s head for example.
We know as well that the main priority of
modernity is to increase its own reach, and
by its excellence of ambition, win access to
the world. However, as Hartmut Rosa*
nicely said, this available world is a silenced
one, just that there’s no longer any dialog
with it.
When writing becomes illegible, drawing is
treated as material of thoughts. All back into
a biotope of forms that waft ambiguously
between shape and code. Spectrums of
dark and childlike thoughts become drawings, presented as non-cryptical, non-empirical language that becomes shape and
characters of mistreated but hopeful realities.
The lines that cross the sky, ghosts of contemporary society, become the line of
thought by our eclectic, compulsive, extra
energetic, ultra-caffeinated practices. Distorted paintings of painters that forgot
where to end so nothing ever ends.
We work together as a culture, without the
effort of all the culture, like a movement
without the bother of all the meaning**.
are still two bodies in the middle of a bodiless and failed system.
We follow the shape of thoughts that connect us. Drawing and sewing together over
the top, over the counter of kitchens,
studios and mighty old tiny bathrooms.
Hold my hand, I hold yours, they’ll be warm
* Rosa, Hartmut Unverfügbarkeit,
Suhrkamp Verlag, 2020
** Murphy from LCD Soundsystem, quote
from song Movement